I've been using this Ares Boo hub for a couple of months now. Tot I should prob share my experience with you guys. I've heard too many ppl crushing their driver bearing in their K** freecoaster, but since this hub uses a 10mm axle the driver bearing is much bigger. I haven't had any problems with the driver bearing or any other bearing on this hub(high quality SKF bearings inside), but since it's a 10mm axle you should prob not use pegs with it. Slack adjustment is a problem tho, this was designed for flatland and most flat guys doesn't ride with that much slack. You'll prob only get abut 1o'clock crank b4 it engages after you remove the washer, which is too little for me. So I removed the axle and machined it as shown below. I took away about 2mm which give me about a good 1/4 of a crank before the hub engages.

I've been running it for more then 5mths now and honestly had no problems at all. Still looking for the LSD version tho since I do lots of grinds on my right and tend to slam the driver quite a bit, but it's still holding up fine. Replacement parts are pretty affordable, I get them from the Theduotonecorp . Hope it helps. e-mail seanlai88@gmail.com to purchase this hub.