Thursday, December 21, 2006

Calvin Tan

Ok I can't really say how fucking good this guy is but he still manages to progress whilst coping with his massive load of school work. Oh yes he just won the Xtreame Singapore challenge thingy, not a suprise as he had finished really well in overseas contest. Here's an interview he did with STOMP sometime back. Somebody better send him for speaking class... Sorry Calvin, I had to say it..

STOMP Interview

Sunday, November 19, 2006


Here are some pics from our friend Jonathan. He is on a mission travelling all around Singapore with his Mosca and camera, taking tons of pictures and riding different spots at the same time. I think he will have a full website hosting his stuff up soon, will keep you posted.


Hop on the bandwagon

Well I've always had a lot of stuff on my mind that I would wanna say but just didn't have the time (too lazy actually) to update onto the old Geocities webpage. So like everyone else I have my own blog now. Expect some shit to come.